Kipling PTO FAQs

What is fee day? 

Fee day is the day our website goes live. You can purchase the following:

-PTO Membership


-Donate a Library Book

-Legacy t-shirt(5th graders only)


-Special Lunch

-Birthday Lawn Signs

-Deerfield Discount Card

-Donate to Angel Fund


You can also apply to be a room parent and volunteer to be on a PTO Committee.


Why should I buy a PTO membership?

All contact information is taken from your registration information entered onto the website. This membership includes secure access to the School Directory app that both parents can download to their Smartphone. You will also receive emails about important PTO related events and information. You can update your profile, contact information, student information, and directory display preferences at any time. Please update your information as necessary, so the information is always current. Only one membership needs to be purchased for each household. This is the best way to ensure other families can contact you for play dates, birthday party invitations, etc.


*Make sure to download the Membership Toolkit App on your phone/smart device for easy access to our directory, calendar and other website info. Only people who have purchased a PTO membership will have access to the student directory.


Do I need to purchase a PTO Membership for each of my students?
No. One PTO Membership is for your entire family.


I already purchased an app registration key last year, do I need to do it each year?

Yes, you must become a member of the PTO each year to receive registration keys to activate your apps for the current school year.


Why do I need to make an account on the Kipling PTO website?

 The Kipling PTO website is the only form of communication the PTO has with families. Therefore, it is very important that you update and complete the registration before the school year begins. You can update your profile, contact information, student information, and directory display preferences at any time. Please update your information as necessary, so the information is always current. 


I am new to Kipling, how do I download the app?
Download the app from the Google Play Store or iPhone App Store. Use the keyword “Membership Toolkit” for the app to appear in the results page. To activate the app, enter the primary account email address, Kipling PTO website password, and one of the two assigned registration keys. When the three items are entered correctly the app will be activated.


What is Special Lunch?
The Special Lunch program offers Kipling students with hot lunches for purchase from local area restaurants through our partnership with Marla's Lunch. A portion of the profits are given back to the Kipling PTO.


What is Legacy Pizza? 

Each month, a pizza lunch helps support the 5th grade legacy committee. 5th graders help distribute these lunches, and the profits from this lunch go to the 5th grade legacy committee, who use the money to leave a gift to the school.


Where can I find information on the After School Enrichment (ASE) program?

This program is run through the Deerfield Park District.


Does the Kipling PTO offer "Before and After School Care"?

The Deerfield Park District is offering both before and after care at Kipling School.


Where can I find School Supply Lists?

If you ordered through the PTO, your child's supplies will be delivered to his/her classroom. If you did not order through the PTO, you can find a list of supplies here.


I forgot to buy the school supplies package for my child.  Are there extras available for purchase from the PTO?

No, the PTO does not purchase extra school supply packages. If you missed the deadline date to order school supplies, you will need to purchase them independently using the school supply lists.


What is Donate a Library Book?

It's a great way to commemorate your child’s birthday and support Kipling’s library. Make a donation and a special sticker will be placed inside a book cover honoring your student. On their birthday, your child will be first in line to check out their special book. All donated books will remain in our library for Kipling students to enjoy for years to come!


What is Sweets & Treats?

This is our "Ice Cream Social" with a new twist. We will have various sweet treats available. This event is free for all Kipling families. 





3/7 - PTO Meeting

3/19-3/21 - Spring Book Fair

4/2 - McDonald's with the Teachers

4/4 - PTO Meeting

4/4 - BINGO Night

Social Media




Shopping Fundraisers


Please sign in through Amazon Smile and search for "Kipling PTO" and 5% of all purchases will be donated.

Sign up in store for Kipling PTO rewards